Simply Simon: Dreams & Evolutions

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photo: copyright © 2015 L.W.Eden

Memories sit loose; loose like rotting teeth… Artificial boundaries of words not found in your memory fragile memory always on the move and the air in it is conditional…

I’ve been talking for a while about bringing out a CD. Well then, I’d better start making some recordings! Here’s something I’ve only rehearsed twice. The daughter dreams, the mother reflects. Reality changes colour.

One Manner of Hunger

one manner of hunger cover picture

Today’s Words’ Worth comes from a writer I got to know on the internet last year, Bill Johnston:
‘I tend to be either intensely focused or entirely too laid back. My demeanor is actually nearly always quite cheerful. Something about a keyboard and a concept is always so grim. Deep, eloquent and grim for a humorous soul. I’m not sure what it is… Like water my words in type run to the lowest point without the effort required to raise them.’
 ‘No matter how many times I molt, I have layers beneath that will not shed.’
On the topic of American’s being prudish:
‘We love and hate our filthy shit. I find for every one prude there’s two more that want to hear more. It swings more both ways here than I’m guessing it does there, but once something filthy must be read there are church ladies with copies under their mattresses.’
Bill Johnston. William Thomas Johnston. Poet. Storyteller. Blogger. Friend. Proof that online encounters can grow into something beautiful. It’s a pleasure to know you, Bill!